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Pudge - The Butcher
Range: 128 | | Move Speed: 285 | Primary: STR
Str: 25 + 3.2 | Agi: 14 + 1.5 | Int: 14 + 1.5
Damage: 52 - 58 | HP: 625 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 1 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 1.46 (+ 14% IAS) | Armor: 1

Level 1 Butcher


DMG: 52 - 58 ARMOR: 1 STR: 25 AGL: 14 INT: 14

Hero Attributes:
- Primary Attribute
-Each point increases damage by 1
-Each point increases hit points by 19
-Each point increases hit point regen
Strength per level: 3.2
Hit point regen: 1 hp/sec

-Every 7 points increase armor by 1
-Each point increases attack speed by 1%
Agility per level: 1.5

-Each point increases mana by 13
-Each point increases mana regen
Intelligence per level: 1.5
Mana regen: 0.57 mana/sec

Skill #1

Meat Hook

Launches a bloody hook at a unit or location. The hook will snag the first target encounters, dealing damage then dragging the victim back to the Butcher.

Level 1 - 400 range, 100 damage.
Level 2 - 600 range, 200 damage.
Level 3 - 800 range, 300 damage.
Level 4 - 1000 range, 400 damage.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 15
Comment:skill yang cukup sulit bagi pemula atau newbie,semua log hook lo bisa di kalkulasikan lewat command -HA (hook accuration) kalo gue sih pake hero ginian mencet -ha 100% dong hha

Skill #2


Pudge releases the disease and filth inside of him, dealing intense damage to and slowing enemies within 200 range by 20% while hurting Pudge as well.

Level 1 - 25 damage/second.
Level 2 - 50 damage/second.
Level 3 - 75 damage/second.
Level 4 - 100 damage/second.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment:Kalo gue sebut ini namanya SKILL KENTUT,biasa nya anak clan gue pada teriak KENTUT KENTUT !,aoe yang bagus tapi jangan coba coba make ini sebelum HP regen lo kenceng

Skill #3

Flesh Heap

Pudge is made of innumerable rotting corpses, giving him extra protection against spells as well as the chance to add more to his bulk.

Level 1 - 4% magic reduction, 0.03 Str bonus per unit kill, 0.3 for hero kill.
Level 2 - 8% magic reduction, 0.06 Str bonus per unit kill, 0.6 per hero kill.
Level 3 - 12% magic reduction, 0.09 Str bonus per unit kill, 0.9 per hero kill.
Level 4 - 16% magic reduction, 0.12 Str bonus per unit kill, 1.2 per hero kill.Pudge can gain strength by killing allied units.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment:passive buff yang sangat helpfull bagi PUDGE,setiap kill hero +1,2str setiap dan 0.12 setiap kill creep makanya kalo lw copo jangan coba coba pake hero ini karena gak bisa last hit creep : MODAR



Chows down on a target, causing excruciating pain.
Lasts 6 seconds on units, 3 seconds on heroes at all levels. Channeling spell.

Level 1 - 75 damage/second.
Level 2 - 125 damage/second.
Level 3 - 175 damage/second.
Mana Cost: 100/ 130/ 160
Cooldown: 30
Comment:GIGIT,ati ati ini chanelling artinya lo harus diem untuk bikin skill ini berlanjut,skill ini bagus untuk semacam STUN dan memiliki cooldown yang sangat TOB 30 second saja,ganteng dah

Skill build
MeatHook :T
Flesh heap:F
Stats : St

(early Game 1~6)

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjTTHxoqhbooE0hiIxLmBmDmedEMVgvU9hXMY2AB9k_RMW3uSr6leyQEXlmP7GM0wulttfuu9Yq9YLfHyS__BcLJI9Z_Esq6fbOQ8evRqgKmdSPRvMoMQuZAoCTOvkFKQLK_0qz-OfxVRQf/s320/GauntletsOfSTR.gif Gauntlet Of Strenght 2 jadikan bracer

http://www.dotaas.com/images/item/ss.gif Stout Shield 1 jadikan vanguard

http://www.dotapro.com/images/items48/BTNGoldRing.gif Ring Of health 1 jadikan vanguard

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgDCVJNlvu-PQFakE1fqHX6zE5z7gx2hEquceQqPKnROjKEYahufncJymDI0pr27vcxLHbOPH5QYjjLLCy5pDK2WbDbufWdaDckJ7d_pJ6wncP1kcn9Qm_v5Pwayw_270Awi2eT3pjWjdk/s320/BTNBootsOfSpeed.gif Boots Of Speed 1 jadikan BoT

(Mid Game-Late 6-25)

http://www.dota.org.ua/files/icons/recipes/64x64/Vanguard.gif Vanguard 1

http://www.dotastrategy.com/images/item/bootsoftravel.gif BoT 1
(bagus untuk creeping dan hero kill,secara lari kenceng gitu looo)


http://www.lord-sam.de/dota/reciepes/img/ir2b.gif Radiance
good buat menunjang Flesh Heap dan Dismember Rot juga
secara 60 damage/second sakit dah ngekill 2 wave creep dapat 1 str

http://www.dotaportal.com/images/items/hoodofcunning.gifHood Of defiance
kalo team musuh banyak nuker kayak lion,lina mungkin 30%magic resistance dan 8hp regen sangat membantu lo untuk tetap survive dari ulti nya yang sangat ngehe itu

Conclusion atau Ke Sim Pul An

Yeah,guide ke 2 gue hampir jadi,okeh Pudge adalah Hero Badak yang sebenernya sih lebih cocok untuk suport dan tanker,ini hero emang bener bener badak karena hp regen nya yang kenceng dan str yang gede(saingan nya centaur ni)
ya lo emang harus pinter pinter nya menempatkan cursor hook pada musuh biar musuh nya ketarik dan bisa lo kentutin sambil di gigit
jika panik lagi dikejar berharap saja lah killed himself dengan Rot nya dari pada duit nya harus jatuh ke tangan musuh ya mendingan bunuh diri iya gak gan !

Thx tukon a.k.a Ade a.k.a Noname for supporting my blog
Keep req hero build di blog gue ya
kek sekarang langsung gue release
iya gak
hha :D

1 komentar:

  1. Muhammad Harits Insan Kamil mengatakan...

    oh ya gue lupa
    HoT bisa jadi optional item kalo lo kaya gold
    mayan kan hp regen 1% dan di tambah str dan darah

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